News item #1: The Kansas state legislature passed, and Gov. Sam Brownback signed, a law that bans private insurance companies from providing abortion coverage, even in the case of rape or incest. When the proposed law was challenged by pro-choice Republican state representative Barbara Bollier as too extreme, a pro-life state rep by the name of Pete DeGraaf replied that women should "always be prepared" for these things, stating, "I have a spare tire in my car." And then, digging his hole even deeper, added, "I also have life insurance."And so, with those three proposals (one of which succeeded in becoming law in the state of Kansas!) the tea-bagging Fascist Republicans show their true colors. They spent much of the 2010 congressional campaign hyperventilating over the fact that their desire to take control of congress was based on fiscal and unemployment concerns (never mind the fact that it was on their watch that we got buried under the current mess in the first place, but that's a different post for a different day); they insisted that social issues would not dominate their agenda if they were to win majorities in either or both (gasp!) houses of congress.
News item #2: In an effort to make sure federal funds are not being used for the procedure, tea-bagging Fascists in the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill that would require the IRS to audit any woman who terminates a pregnancy.
News item #3: And, in another jaw-dropping move, the very same tea-baggers proposed another U.S. House bill that would redefine the definition of "forceable rape" to exclude women who say "no" but don't physically fight off their predator, women who are drugged and raped, and minors who are impregnated by adults.
Alas, to date, only half-baked measures have been passed to keep the government in business for the rest of the current fiscal year, while nothing (N.O.T.H.I.N.G.) has been proposed on the jobs issue. (Remember that little fun fact when their presidential candidate points to any possible lackluster jobs numbers next year.)
No. Instead, these Fascist goons have declared a war against American women, propsing laws that one might find on the books of radical, anti-women Musilim governments.
I guess it shouldn't surprise me. I mean, these same right-wing zealots think that MAN gave birth to WOMAN (see the story of Adam), which is why the current crop of them should never, ever be allowed near the levers of power.
Say it with me: Obama/Biden and a Democratic House in 2012!
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